Infrinco Refrigeration; the Food Service Company That Cares About Our Environment
When we talk about food service companies, we have hundreds of them in the UK alone. But how many of these companies care about the impact their manufacturing process has on our environment. With the rise of global warming and the degradation of the planet, we have to begin to think of ways to preserve our home, planet earth. This concerns everyone, even those of us that offer Infrinco fridge repairs to customers all over the UK.
When you go to the official website of Infrinco, the first thing you will see is a friendly reminder to care for our environment. A further search of the website will show a section where the commitment of the company to the environment is described. When we add passion for preservation of the earth to the quality and innovative refrigeration products Infrinco offers, I think the company deserves another award.
Also, the fact that you will hardly need Infrinco fridge repairs when you buy their product is a big plus. Whenever your fridge gets faulty, if you engage professionals like our engineers, you can expect that everything will be as good as new when we are done.
From the choice of components to the smooth finish, it is easy to see the commitment of Infrinco to customer satisfaction while making use of materials that can be recycled. Safety and quality standards are upheld yet they continue to bring various innovations to their products and services.
Infrinco refrigeration also has a sense of social responsibility. This is probably why a lot of customers in the UK have stayed loyal to the brand knowing they can always come to us for Infrinco fridge repairs even though Infrinco is a Spanish company.
Infrinco understands that the environment must be considered in administration of our natural resources in the manufacturing process. This is the only way we can boast of sustainability. We must process residues adequately and recycle/reuse production materials as much as we can. This is why whenever our customers come for Infrinco fridge repairs; we are always on the lookout for faulty parts that can be sent for recycling.