
Here you can find out more information by reading some of our Blog Post!

Why is it Important to Clean a Coil on a Commercial Fridge?

The coil of a commercial fridge is undoubtedly one of the most important parts of the fridge and it must be kept clean as frequently as possible. By cleaning the coil on a regular basis, you will be saving lots of cash from repair of damages that can occur due to damaged coil or condenser. What does the coil in the fridge do? It helps to dissipate heat in the fridge and prevent accumulation of heat, which can have damaging effect on the fridge. When heat builds up in your fridge, the fridge will start sucking up electricity and this is not good for the fridge and your pocket. By cleaning the coil on regular basis, you can elongate the lifespan of the fridge and also protect the greenback in your purse from being dissipated faster than the speed of light. While the cleaning may not be done on daily basis, it must be done as regularly as possible. You can decide to prepare a schedule for fridge maintenance and make sure you properly clean the fridge coil during such maintenance. Positioning of the fridge coil differs from one brand of fridge to another. In some brands, the coil is […]

Posted 29/01/2017 by admin

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